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To achieve the sustainability of the company,
Seojeon Electric Machinery CO, LTD. is enhancing the value
of ESG management, with everyone doing their best.
The sustainable management goal that Seojeon Electric Machinery pursues is "To become a respected company by building trust with
stakeholders based on eco-friendly management."
To put this into practice, the company has set three strategic objectives: "Eco-friendly Management,"
"Co-growth with Stakeholders," and "Integrated Risk Management."
Seojeon Electric Machinery will endeavor to grow together with stakeholders through open communication and sincere practice.

Basic Direction

Implementation System

Sustainable Management Roadmap

  • Fostering a Consensus for Sustainable Management
  • Strengthening the Execution of Sustainable Management
  • Global Expansion of Sustainable Management
Integrated Operation of Sustainable Management
  • - In-house Training for Sustainable Management

    - Operation of the Sustainable Management Council

  • - Performance Evaluation of
    Sustainable Management

    - Strengthening Functional Execution Strategies

  • - Reinforcement of Sustainable Management
    Infrastructure at Overseas Business Sites

    - Expansion of Global Initiative Activities

Co-growth with Stakeholders
  • Selection of Lead Departments and
    Related Departments & R&R(Roles & Responsibilities)
    for each Stakeholder
  • Establishment of a Process for
    Reflecting Stakeholder Opinions in Management
  • Expansion of Stakeholder Scope to Global Levels
    and Strengthening of Departmental R&R
Enhancing the Eco-Friendly Corporate Image
  • Strengthening Environmental
    Information Disclosure
  • Systematization of Environmental
    Monitoring in the Value Chain
  • Strengthening Global
    Eco-Friendly Marketing
Integrated Risk Management
  • Establishing a Process to Strengthen the
    Integrated Risk Management System
  • Establishment of Risk Diagnosis and Management System
    for Overseas Business Sites