Notice of the 33rd Regular General Meeting of Shareholders
We wish all our esteemed shareholders good health and prosperity.In accordance with Article 365 of the Commercial Act and Article 22 of our Articles of Incorporation, the 33rd (2024) Regular General Meeting of Shareholders will be held as follows. We kindly ask for your attendance.Details- Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 08:30 AM- Venue: 2nd Floor, Main Conference Room, Seojeon Electric Co., Ltd. (38-19, Daewol-ro 667beon-gil, Daewol-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea)AgendaA. Reporting Items:Audit ReportBusiness ReportReport on the Operation of the Internal Accounting Control SystemB. Items for Resolution:Agenda Item 1: Approval of the 33rd (2024) Financial Statements (including the Proposed Statement of Appropriation of Retained Earnings)Dividend Plan: No DividendAgenda Item 2: Amendment of the Executive Retirement Payment RegulationsAgenda Item 3: Approval of the Limit on Directors’ RemunerationAgenda Item 4: Approval of the Limit on Auditors’ RemunerationAvailability of Reference Documents for Business MattersIn accordance with Article 542-4, Paragraph 3 of the Commercial Act, reference documents for business matters can be accessed on our company website, the Financial Supervisory Service’s electronic disclosure system (http://dart.fss.or.kr), and the Korea Exchange’s disclosure system (http://kind.krx.co.kr).Exercise of Voting Rights by Beneficial Shareholders Following the Abolition of the Korea Securities Depository’s Shadow Voting SystemSince the shadow voting system of the Korea Securities Depository (KSD) was abolished on January 1, 2018, KSD can no longer exercise voting rights on behalf of shareholders. Accordingly, shareholders are not required to instruct KSD regarding their voting rights. Instead, shareholders may exercise their voting rights directly by attending the General Meeting in person or indirectly through a proxy.Required Documents for Attending the General MeetingFor personal attendance:Identification (Resident Registration Card, Driver’s License, or Passport)For proxy attendance:Proxy formProxy’s identificationShareholder’s seal certificate (if signed with a seal) or a certificate of signature verification (if signed with a signature)[Required Information in the Proxy Form]Principal’s name, address, and Resident Registration Number (for corporations, Business Registration Number)[Important Notes]The Resident Registration Number will only be visually verified on-site to identify duplicate shareholders and will be immediately deleted afterward. It will not be separately collected or stored.Entry to the General Meeting will not be allowed if the required documents for personal or proxy attendance are incomplete. Please ensure all necessary documents are prepared in advance.Additional InformationIn accordance with Article 542-4 of the Commercial Act and Article 24, Paragraph 2 of our Articles of Incorporation, this notice shall serve as an official meeting notice for minority shareholders who own less than 1% of the total number of voting shares issued.No souvenirs or commemorative gifts will be provided at the General Meeting.March 12, 2025Seojeon Electric Co., Ltd.CEO Sang-kwon Lee (Seal omitted)